How does Risk Management Affect Your Grade?
Mon 10th June @ 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM via Zoom
Risk management has an influence on the other competencies for the standards check.
Scoring 1 or less in any of the sections in the risk management section, will have a knock-on
effect to the other sections.
During this session, I’ll be discussing how the minor competencies link together,
demonstrating how small changes can upgrade your score to improve your overall mark.
I’ll be developing understanding of the skills required to move your final grade from a B to an A.
Explain how the feel of the sessions is important in assessing the overall performance & how
to create a safe teaching environment has a direct influence in the final score.
Developing the instructor’s observations skills, which could also include how it feels, what it
looks like or how calm the event is will often help create a safe teaching environment.
14 in stock
How does Risk Management Affect Your SC or Part 3 Grade?
Mon 10th June @ 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM via Zoom
Risk management has an influence on the other competencies for the standards check.
Scoring 1 or less in any of the sections in the risk management section, will have a knock-on
effect to the other sections.
During this session, I’ll be discussing how the minor competencies link together,
demonstrating how small changes can upgrade your score to improve your overall mark.
I’ll be developing understanding of the skills required to move your final grade from a B to an A.
Explain how the feel of the sessions is important in assessing the overall performance & how
to create a safe teaching environment has a direct influence in the final score.
Developing the instructor’s observations skills, which could also include how it feels, what it
looks like or how calm the event is will often help create a safe teaching environment.
Five takes outs delegates will get from this session:
1. How the risk management competencies link to the others
2. What the examiner is looking for
3. Giving a great customer experience to the driver & passenger
4. The reason for the journey
5. How & when to prepare for your assessment
What people said about my previous course
Q1 What did you learn from the workshop?
How over instructing can lead to points deducted in at least 8 categories and how we can prevent this from happening.
Q2 How will you change your teaching practice after todays course
I will change the types of questions I am asking to I don’t over instruct.
Q3 What did you enjoy about the session?
The in-depth understanding of risk management
Q1 What did you learn from the workshop?
How extensive the knock on effect can be from one missed opportunity to identify a fault. The importance of timing verbal intervention in order to be proactive and avoid this knock on effect. I’ve also learned to think outside the box around teaching risk management in a post test way.
Q2 How will you change your teaching practice after todays course
Focus on being more proactive, intervene at the right time in order be to help my students learn and keep situations safe
Q3 What did you enjoy about the session?
Friendly, small group where everyone was included and felt that their opinions were valued
Q4 Was the course of value? If so why?
Yes, my SC was a while ago now but this course has helped me to evaluate it again and see what I could have improved
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